7 Dnei MKT [7 Days Moscow Kamerny Theater]. Moscow, 1923—1924. S. S. Ignatov, S. D. Krzhizhanovsky, A. B. Marienhof, and Aleksandr Tairov, eds. Holdings: 1923, 1924
30 [Tridtsat’] dnei [30 Days]. Moscow, 1925–1941. I. Ionov and V. A. Reginin, eds. Holdings: 1929
Afisha TIM (Teatr im. Meyerholda) [Programs of the Meyerhold Theater]. Moscow, 1923–1926. Vsevolod Meyerhold, ed. Holdings: 1926, 1927
ASNOVA (Izvestiia Assotsiatsii novykh arkhitektorov; Mitteilungen der Assoziation neuer Architekten; Revue de l’association d’architectes contemporaines; Revue of the Association of New Architects). Moscow, 1926. N. A. Ladovsky and El Lissitzky, eds. Organ of the Association of New Architects. Holdings: 1926 (complete in one issue)
Avanhard / Avangardo / Avangarde [Avant-Garde]. Ukrainian and Esperanto. Kharkiv, 1928–1929. Valerian Polishchuk, ed. Holdings: 1929
Bezbozhnik [Atheist (or Godless)] (1922; 1932–1941) and Bezbozhnik u stanka [Atheist at the Workbench] (1923–1931). Moscow, 1922–1941. Maria Kostelovskaya (1922–1928) and I. N. Stukov (1928–1941), eds. Holdings: 1922, 1924
Biulleten’ Vserossiiskogo kooperativnogo tovarishchestva Khudozhnik [Bulletin of the All-Russian Cooperative Association “Artist”]. Moscow, 1928–1953 (organization); 1931 (journal of this title). Organ of the All-Russian Cooperative Association. Holdings: 1931
Brigada khudozhnikov [Artists Brigade]. Moscow, 1931–1932. Pavel Novitsky, ed. Organ of the Federation of Associations of Workers in the Spatial Arts and (in 1932) of FOSKh (The Federation of Associations of Soviet Artists). Holdings: 1931
Daesh’ [Let’s Produce]. Moscow, 1929–1930. M.M. Kostelovskaia, ed. Holdings: 1929
Ėkran: Ezhenedel’nyi zhurnal “Rabochei Gazety” [Film Screen: Weekly Journal of the “Workers’ Newspaper”]. Moscow, 1923–1930. G. I. Geronsky, ed. Holdings: 1925, 1926
Ezhenedel’naia gazeta 41° [Weekly Gazette 41°]. Tbilisi, 1919. Aleksei Kruchenykh, ed. Organ of 41°. Holdings: 1919 (complete in one issue)
Gore pakharia [Plowman’s Grief]. Vladivostok, 1923. Pavel Liubarsky, ed. Holdings: 1923
Govorit Moskva [Moscow speaks]. Moscow, 1928–1931. M. Smolensky, ed. Holdings: 1931
Izvestiia LTsK: informatsiia Literaturnogo Tsentra Konstruktivistov [News of the Constructivist Literary Center]. Odnodnevnaia gazeta. Prilozhenie k knige Gosplan literatury. Sbornik LTsK: Literaturnogo Tsentra Konstruktivistov. Stat’I, stikhi [One-day newspaper. Appendix to the book State Plan for Literature: Collection of literary works by members of LTsK. Articles, poems]. Moscow, 1925. Kornelii Zelinsky and Ilya Selvinsky, eds. Holdings: 1925 (complete in one issue)
K novym beregam muzykal’nogo iskusstva [To New Shores of the Art of Music]. Moscow, 1923 (complete in three issues). Viktor Belyaev, Vladimir I. Derzhanovsky, eds. Holdings: 1923
Khudozhnik i zritel’ [Artist and Viewer]. Moscow, 1924. Editorial collective. Organ of the Art Department of the Main Committee for Political Enlightenment of People’s Commissariat of Enlightenment. (Becomes Sovetskoe iskusstvo, see below). Holdings: 1924
Kino-nedelia [Cinema Week]. Leningrad, Moscow, and Berlin, 1924–1925. Organ of the Sevzapkino-Mezhrabpom. Holdings: 1924
Kino Zhurnal A.R.K. [Cinema Journal of the Association of Revolutionary Cinematographers and Kinopechat]. Moscow, 1925–1926. N. Lebedev, ed. with V. Erofeev, Kh. Khersonsky, K.Shutko, and S. Eisenstein. Holdings: 1925
Krasnaia panorama [Red panorama]. Leningrad, 1923–1930. Ivan Flerovsky, ed. Holdings: 1930
Krasnaia niva [Red field]. Moscow, 1923–1931. Anatoly Lunacharsky, Yu.M. Steklov, et al., ed. Holdings: 1930
Krokodil [Crocodile]. Moscow, 1923–1954. V. Kataev and Kukryniksy, eds. Holdings: 1932, 1936
Lef: Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv [Journal of the Left Front of the Arts]. Moscow, 1923–1925. Vladimir Mayakovsky, ed. (Becomes Novyi Lef, see below). Holdings: 1923, 1924
Molodaia gvardiia [Young guard]. Moscow, 1922–1941. B. Ol’khovyi et al., ed. Organ of TsK VKP(b) (Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and TsK VLKSM (Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League). Holdings: 1924, 1929
Muzykal'naia nov' [New Musical Path (or Musical New Land)]. Moscow-Leningrad, 1923–1924. A. Sergeev, S.Chemodanov, D. Chernomordikov, and S. A. Krylova, eds. Organ of the All-Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians. Holdings: 1923, 1924
Nashi dostizheniia [Our Achievements].Moscow, 1928–1937.Maxim Gorky, ed. Holdings: 1930
Novyi Lef: Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv [New Lef: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts]. Moscow: 1927–1928. Vladimir Mayakovsky (1927–1928) and Sergei Tretiakov (1928), eds. (Formerly Lef, see above). Holdings: 1927, 1928 (complete in twenty-two issues)
Proletarskoe foto [Proletarian Photo]. Moscow, 1931–1933. A. Iansky, ed. (Formerly Sovetskoe foto [Soviet photography], see below). Holdings: 1932
Proletarskoe kino [Proletarian Cinema]. Moscow, 1931–1932. V. Pudovkin, V. Sutyrin, F. Ermler, K. Iukov, N. Iakovlev, eds. Organ of the Association of Workers of Revolutionary Cinema. (Formerly Kino i zhizn’ [Cinema and life; 1929–1930]; becomes Sovetskoe kino [Soviet cinema], see below). Holdings: 1931, 1932
Prozhektor [Spotlight (or The Search Light)]. Moscow, 1923–1935. V. N. Vasilievsky. Holdings: 1931
Rabochii zritel’ [Workers’ Spectator]. Moscow, 1923–1925. Kh. Diament, ed. Holdings: 1925, 1927, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936
Revoliutsiia i kul'tura [Revolution and Art]. Moscow, 1927–1930. Nikolai Bukharin and Anatoly Lunacharsky, eds. Organ of the VKP (b) SSSR (All-Union Communist Party [Bolsheviks] of the Soviet Union). Holdings: 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930
Siniaia Bluza [Blue Blouse]. Moscow, 1924–1928. Boris Iuzhanin, ed. Holdings: 1925, 1926
Sovetskoe foto [Soviet Photo]. Moscow, 1926–1931; 1934–1941; 1957–1991.Mikhail Kol’tsov and V. Mikulin, eds. (Becomes Proletarskoe foto [Proletarian Photo], see above). Holdings: 1929
Sovetskoe iskusstvo [Soviet Art]. Moscow, 1925–1929. R. A. Pel'she. (Formerly Khudozhnik i zritel', see above). Holdings: 1925
Sovetskoe kino [Soviet Cinema]. Moscow, 1933–1935. O. M. Beskin. Organ of the Russian Association of the Workers of Revolutionary Cinema. (Becomes Proletarskoe kino [Proletarian cinema], see above). Holdings: 1926, 1928
SA (Sovremennaiaarkhitekura) [Contemporary Architecture]. Moscow, 1926–1930. Mosei Ginzburg, with Leonid Vesnin and Viktor Vesnin (1926–1928), and Roman Khiger (1928–1930), eds. Organ of the Union of Cotemporary Architects (OSA). Holdings: 1927
Stennaia Gazeta ROSTA (Wall Newspaper ROSTA). Moscow, Petrograd, and other cities, 1918–1922. P.M. Kerzhentsev, ed. Holdings: 1920 (Schadrinsk, Gorokhov, local ed.)
Stroitel’stvo Moskvy [Building Moscow]. Moscow, 1924–1941. N. F. Popov-Sibiriak, ed. Organ of the Moscow District Executive Committee (Mosoblispolkom). Holdings: 1929
Za proletarskoe iskusstvo [For Proletarian Art]. Moscow and Leningrad, 1931–1932. A.A. Antonov, L.P. Viaz’mensky, P.F. Osipov, A.P. Severdenko, L.O. Chetyrkina, eds. Organ of the Association of Artists of the Revolution (AKhR) and (from 1931) Russian Association of Proletarian Artists. (Formerly Iskusstvo v massy [Art to the masses; 1929–1930]. Holdings: 1932
SoReGor (Za Sotsialisticheskuiu Rekonstruktsiiu Gorodov) [For the Socialist Reconstruction of Cities]. Moscow, 1932–1934. A.V. Anokhin, ed. Organ of the All-Union Council for Communal Affairs under the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the People’s Commissariat of the RSFSR. (Becomes Sotsialisticheskii gorod [Socialist City; 1935–?]). Holdings: 1932
ZhTG (Zhivaia teatralizovannaia gazeta) [Living Theater Newspaper]. Perm’, 1926–1931. I. Vakhonin, V. Veikhman, A. Pavlov, E. Permiak, A. Chernitsky, Ya. Shvartsman, eds. Holdings: 1929
Zrelishcha [Spectacles]. Moscow, 1922–1924. Lev Kolpakchi, ed. Holdings: 1922, 1923, 1924