
Posters of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939)

The Spanish Civil War, which was fought in Spain and Catalonia from 1936 to 1939, was famously deemed a “dress rehearsal” for World War II by historian Claude Bowers. On one side were the left-leaning Republicans, comprising the Popular Front, the People's Army, the Government of Catalonia, prominent unions such as the Unión General de Trabajadores (U.G.T.; General Union of Workers) and the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (C.N.T.; National Confederation of Labor), and a variety of communist, socialist, and anarchist groups, supported in part by the Soviet Union. On the other side were the conservative Nationalists, led by General Francisco Franco and supported by fascist regimes in Italy and Nazi Germany. The Nationalists would prove victorious and establish a dictatorship that lasted until Franco's death in 1975.

The posters presented here employ visual strategies associated with the avant-garde, such as photomontage, along with more traditional hand-rendered imagery. The photo-based works are particularly explicit in describing the devastation wrought by the war on citizens—including children; this reality was given universal, symbolic form in Picasso’s monumental Guernica, which was displayed at the Spanish Pavilion of the Paris World’s Fair of 1937. A number of these posters that convey their message in languages other than Spanish or Catalan appear to be pleas for intervention on the part of powerful countries like the United States, which remained officially neutral.  

Note: Our cataloguing of these posters has benefited from online resources including the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya , the Universitat de Barcelona, and the Southworth Spanish Civil War Collection, University of California San Diego Library. Due to the current lack of access to reference libraries, we were unable to consult essential print publications such as those on Jordi Carulla’s extensive collection, resulting in lacunae. In some cases, we have been unable to verify dates or to firmly place certain works within the context of the Spanish Civil War. Uncertain or missing information is presented here in [square brackets].

We are grateful to Robert Lubar and Jordana Mendelson for guiding our research efforts. 

Augusto (Augusto Fernández Sastre) (Spanish, 1887–1975); photograph possibly Robert Capa (American, born Hungary. 1913–1954)
Poster (in English): What Are You Doing to Prevent This?, 1937
31 1/2 x 22 1/8" (95.1 x 56 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster (in English): Madrid: The "Military" Practice of the Rebels. What Europe Tolerates or Protects; What Your Children Can Expect, c. 1936
26 x 19 5/8" (66 x 49.9 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster (in French): Madrid, ville martyre: Boletín Internacional de la Federación Española de Trabajadores de la Enseñanza, sección catalana-U.G.T. [Unión General de Trabajadores], numero 1, Barcelone, janvier 1937 (Madrid, Martyred City: International Bulletin of the Spanish Federation of Teachers, Catalan Section-U.G.T. [General Union of Workers], number 1, Barcelona, January 1937), 1937
20 1/2 x 27 3/4" (52.1 x 70.5 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster: Antes campesinos pobres, famélicos, ahora el campesinado trabaja y és feliz. La guerra significa que las tierras que hoy tienen los campesinos, no les serán quitadas por los caciques y los señoritos (Before, Poor Farmers, Famine; Now, the Farmer Works and He's Happy. The War Means That the Land Now Owned by the Farmers Will Not Be Taken by the Political Leaders and Playboys), [1936–1939]
39 5/16 x 26 3/4" (99.9 x 67.9 cm)

Michel Adam (pseudonym of Joan Colom Agusti) (Catalan, 1879–1964 [or 1969])
Poster (in Catalan): Llegiu! Treball: diari dels treballadors de la ciutat i del camp (Work. Urban and Rural Workers’ Daily. Read It!), 1936
39 1/4 x 27 1/2" (99.7 x 69.9 cm)

Amado Mauprivez Oliver (Catalan, 1896–1996)
Poster: La garra del invasor italiano pretende esclavizarnos (The Claw of the Italian Invader Intends to Enslave Us), [1936]
38 3/4 x 27 7/16" (98.4 x 69.7 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): La veritat del 6 Octubre (The Truth about October 6th), [1934 or later]
17 5/8 x 12 5/8” (44.8 x 32.1 cm)

Coves [life dates unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): Avant! Tots com un sol home (Onward! As One), 1936
39 1/4 x 27 9/16" (99.7 x 70 cm)

J. Bauset [life dates unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): ¡Campesino, la revolución te dará la tierra (Farmer, the Revolution Will Give You the Land), 1936–1937
13 x 9 5/8” (33 x 24.5 cm)

Eduardo Pérez Vicente (Spanish, 1909–1968)
Poster (in Catalan): Els caiguts et necessiten!—ajuda el! (The Fallen Need Help), 1937
25 5/8 x 17 3/4" (65.1 x 45.1 cm)

Coves [life dates unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): Vencerem pel bé del Proletariat Mundial (We Will Win for the Good Of the Worldwide Proletariat), 1936
39 1/4 x 27 9/16" (99.7 x 70 cm)

Josep Renau (Spanish, 1907–82)
Poster: Pueblos de Levante! Los hijos, las madres y las compañeras de los héroes de Madrid no deben perecer bajo la metralla y el fuego de los aviones fascistas. Facilitad su evacuación! Haced un hueco cariñoso! (People of Levante! The Children, the Mothers, and the Friends of the Heroes of Madrid Should Not Perish under the Shrapnel and Fire of the Fascist Planes. Facilitate Their Evacuation. Give Them a Warm Corner in Your Home), [1936–1939]
66 x 43 3/4” (167.6 x 111.1 cm)

Ricard Obiols (Catalan, 1894–1967)
Poster: Alerta!! Vigila a los que escuchan las radios facciosas y propagan noticias falsas (Alert!! Keep an Eye on Those Who Listen to Fascist Radio and Spread False News), c. 1937
18 7/8 x 13 3/8” (47.9 x 34 cm)

Lluís García Falgas (Catalan, 1881–1954)
Poster (in Catalan): Setmana de l'Exèrcit Popular (People's Army Week), [1937]
39 3/8 x 27 5/8" (100 x 70.2 cm)

Juan Antonio Morales (Spanish, 1909–1984)
Arriba España, Los Nacionales (The Nationals), 1936
44 3/4 x 32 1/4” (113.7 x 81.9 cm)

Pere Catalá-Pic (Catalan, 1889–1971)
Poster (in Catalan): Aixafem el feixisme (Let’s Crush Fascism), 1937
39 7/16 x 27 9/16" (101 x 71.4 cm)

Augusto (Augusto Fernández Sastre) (Spanish, 1887–1975); photograph possibly Robert Capa (American, born Hungary. 1913–1954)
Poster: ¿Que haces tu para evitar esto? (What Are You Doing to Prevent This?), 1937
31 1/2 x 22 1/8" (95.1 x 56 cm)

Cas Oorthuys (Dutch, 1908–1975)
Poster (in Dutch): Bombardement. Zoo sterven kinderen in Madrid. Zwijgt het wereldgeweten? (Bombing. That's How Children Die in Madrid. Is the World’s Conscience Silent?), [1936–1937]
33 5/8 x 21 7/8" (85.4 x 55.6 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster: ¡Acusamos de asesinos a los facciosos! Niños y mujeres caen inocentes. Hombres libres, repudiad a todos los que apoyen en la retaguardia al fascismo. He aquí las víctimas (We Charge the Rebels as Assassins! Innocent Children and Women Die. Free Men, Repudiate All Those Who Support Fascism in the Rearguard), [1936–1939]
20 1/2 x 26" (52.1 x 66 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): Barcelona ha estat canonejada pel feixisme invasor. Joves! per a la victòria (Barcelona Has Been Bombarded by a Fascist Invasion. Young Men! For Victory), [n.d.]
27 1/2 x 19 5/8" (69.9 x 49.8 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster: Por el bienestar, la felicidad y la libertad del pueblo español, lucha el ejercito popular (The People's Army Fights for the Well-being, Happiness, and Freedom of the Spanish People), [1937]
39 3/8 x 27 5/8" (100 x 70.2 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): Per la llibertat de Catalunya, ajudeu Madrid (For the Freedom of Catalonia, Help Madrid), c. 1937
40 x 27 3/4" (101.6 x 70.5 cm)

[Designer unknown; possibly Lorenzo Goñi Suárez (Spanish, 1911–1992)]
Poster (in Catalan): 11 de Setembre. Jornada de redrecament d’afirmacio, d’esperit collectiu i voluntat de triomf (September 11th. A Day of Rectification, Affirmation, Collective Spirit, and the Will to Triumph), c. 1937–1938
Two sheets, together: 54 1/4 x 39 1/4” (137.7 x 99.6 cm)

Carles Fontserè (Catalan, 1916–2007)
Poster (in Catalan): U.G.T. [Unión General de Trabajadores] Avant! (U.G.T. [General Union of Workers], Onward!), [1936]
39 3/8 x 27 1/2" (100 x 69.9 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): Qui ets tu?...No podra viure sense la llibertartat...La raiz intima de Cataluña... [quotations from Catalan president Lluís Companys and Spanish politician Juan Negrín], [1936 or 1938]
39 3/4 x 27 7/8" (101 x 70.8 cm)

Eduardo Pérez Vicente (Spanish, 1909–1968)
Poster (in Catalan): Conseil de Sanitat de Guerra. Compreu aquest segell (War Health Council. Buy This Stamp), 1937
19 1/4 x 13 7/16” (48.9 x 34.1 cm)

José Bardasano (Spanish, 1910–1979)
Poster: JSU [Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas]. Conferencia Nacional de Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas (JSU [United Socialist Youth]. National Conference of Unified Socialist Youth), 1937
39 1/8 x 27 5/8" (99.4 x 70.2 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster: Ferroviarios: arrollemos al fascio (Railway Workers: Let's Run Down Fascism), [1936]
43 3/8 x 30" (110.2 x 76.2 cm)

Paco Ribera [life dates unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): Fill, Madrid et necessita! Tot pel Madrid heroic! Diada Internacional de la Dona Antifeixista, Diumenge dia -7- a les deu del mati. Totes les dones a la Monumental (Son! Madrid Needs You. Give Your All to Heroic Madrid! The International Day of the Anti-fascist Woman, Sunday the 7th at 10 Am. All Women Are Invited to the Monumental), [1936–1939]
39 3/8 x 28 3/8" (100 x 72.1 cm)

Jaume Juez i Castella (Xirinius) (Catalan, 1906–2002)
Poster (in Catalan): El Pillatje deshonra el Triomf, eviteu-lo! U.G.T [Unión General de Trabajadores] (Looting Undermines Our Victory, Avoid It! U.G.T. [General Union of Workers])
39 1/2 x 27 5/8" (100.3 x 70.2 cm)

Salinas [life dates unknown]
Poster: Ha entrado la España de Franco! (Franco’s Spain Has Broken Through!), 1938
38 x 26 7/8" (96.5 x 68.3 cm)

Augusto (Augusto Fernández Sastre) (Spanish, 1887–1975); photograph possibly Robert Capa (American, born Hungary. 1913–1954)
Poster (in French): ¿Que fais-tu pour empêcher cela? (What Are You Doing to Prevent This?), 1937
15 1/2 x 10 3/4” (39.4 x 27.3 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster: ¡Asesinos! ¿Quién al ver esto, no empuña un fusil para aplastar al fascismo destructor? Niños muertos en Madrid por las bombas facciosas. Víctimas inocentes de esta horrible guerra desatada por los enemigos de España (Assassins! Who, Seeing This, Would Not Wield a Rifle to Crush Destructive Fascism? Children Killed in Madrid by Factional Bombs. Innocent Victims of This Horrible War Unleashed by the Enemies of Spain), [1936]
Lithograph or rotogravure
39 5/16 x 26 9/16" (99.9 x 67.5 cm)

Antsolvi [life dates unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): Nens! Adquiriu el carnet d'Ajut Infantil de Reraguarda i amb 10 cts. setmanals ajudareu a canviar la vida dels vostres companyons que ho necessiten (Children! Purchase the Rearguard Children's Aid Card for 10 cts. Weekly, and Help Change the Lives of Your Classmates in Need), [1936]
Lithograph and rotogravure
21 3/8 x 33" (54.3 x 83.8 cm)

[Designer unknown; possibly Manuel Monleón (Catalan, 1904–1976)]
Poster: Próximamente: Umbral, semanario de la nueva era (Coming Soon: Umbral [The Threshold], the Weekly [Periodical] of the New Era), c. 1937
24 1/2 x 18 7/8" (62.2 x 47.9 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): Ciutadà! Els infants que trobaràs pels carrers de Barcelona que portin un braçal amb l’escut de la ciutat, són alumnes de les “escoles populars”—la Comissió de Cultura de l’Ajuntament et demana que vetllis per ells (Citizens! The Children You Will See on the Streets of Barcelona Wearing a Bracelet with the City’s Coat of Arms Are Students from the Public Schools—the City Council’s Culture Commission Asks You to Look After Them), c. 1937
19 5/8 x 13 1/4” (49.9 x 33.7 cm)

Jacint Bofarull i Foraster (Catalan 1903–1977)
Poster (in Catalan): Els Aixafarem!!! ...amb l'Exercit Popular (We Will Crush Them!!! ...with the People's Army), 1937
39 7/16 x 27 9/16" (100.2 x 70 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): La Rambla serà diari de la joventut. Front, treball, cultura, esport, política, esplai (La Rambla Will Be a Journal for Young People. The Front, Work, Culture, Sport, Politics, Leisure), [1938]
37 1/4 x 25 1/8" (94.6 x 63.8 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): Tot per a la guerra! Sindicat de Treballadors de Duanes U.G.T. [Unión General de Trabajadores] (Everything for the War! Customs Workers Union U.G.T. [General Union of Workers]), [n.d.]
39 1/2 x 27 5/8" (100.3 x 70.2 cm)

Antonio Cabrera [life dates unknown]
Poster: Votad pro amnistia. Votando al Frente Popular (Vote for Amnesty. Vote for the Popular Front), [n.d.]
10 7/8 x 7 3/8" (27.6 x 18.7 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster: Ayudad con vuestros donativos, la humanitaria obra de la cruz roja (Help the Humanitarian Work of the Red Cross With Your Donations), [n.d.]
19 x 25 3/8" (48.3 x 64.5 cm)

Rafel Tona (Catalan, 1903–1987)
Poster (in Catalan): Per a aixafar el feixisme, ingresseu a l’aviacio (To Crush Fascism, Join the Air Force), [1936]
39 1/2 x 27 1/2" (100.3 x 69.9 cm)

Antonio Bisquert (Spanish, 1906–1990)
Poster: ¡Por el orden republicano! Respectad la propriedad de los pequeños comerciantes é industriales (For order in the Republic! Respect the Property of Small Businesses and Industries), c. 1936
39 3/8 x 27 11/16" (100 x 70.3 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster (in Catalan): Catalans: adquiriu les deu series de segells d’ajut a Euscadi! (Catalans: Buy the Ten Series of Aid Stamps in Euscadi!), c. 1938
30 1/4 x 21 1/2" (76.8 x 54.6 cm)

[Designer unknown]
Poster: Conferencia de la J.S.U. [Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas] de Barcelona (Conference of the J.S.U. [Unified Socialist Youth] of Barcelona), [n.d.]
12 7/8 x 8 15/16” (32.7 x 22.7 cm)

José Bardasano (Spanish, 1910–1979)
Poster: URSS: Suscripción nacional pro "Komsomol." Todos sentimos la solidaridad. Tu donativo (USSR: National Subscription for Komsomol. We All Experience Solidarity—Your Donation), [1936-1939]
39 1/8 x 27 3/4" (99.4 x 70.5 cm)