

Anthologie du Groupe Moderne d’Art de Liége [Anthology of the Modern Art Group of Liège]. Liège, 1921–1940. Georges Linze, ed. Holdings: 1925

Het Overzicht [The Overview]. Flemish. Antwerp, 1921–1925. Fernand Berckelaers (pseudonym Michel Seuphor), Geert Pijnenburg (pseudonym Geert Grub), and Jozef Peeters, eds. Holdings: 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925


Anoar: evreĭsko kul’turno-obshtestveno spisanie [Anoar: Magazine of Jewish Culture and Society]. Sofia, 1935–1939. Isaac [Yitzhak] Bidzherano [Bidjerano], ed. Organ of the Hashomer-Hatzair. Holdings: 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939


Červen: Novéumèni-Pr̆iroda-Technická doba-Socialismus-Svoboda [June: New Arts-Nature-Technical Age-Socialism-Freedom]. Prague, 1918–1921. Stanislav Minařík, ed. Holdings: 1918, 1919

DAV [acronym of contributors’ initials: Daniel Okáli, Andrej Sirácky and Vladimír Clementis]. Prague and Bratislava, 1924–1937. Eduard Urx (Prague) and V. Stolcz (Bratislava), eds. Holdings: 1924, 1925, 1926

Plán: Revue pro literaturu, umění a vědu [Plan: Review for Literature, Art and Science]. Prague: 1929–1932. Josef Hora, ed. Holdings: 1929

ReD (Revue Devětsil: měsíčník pro moderní kulturu) [Devětsil Review: Monthly Journal for Contemporary Culture]. Prague, 1927–1931. Karel Teige, ed. Holdings: 1927, 1928, 1929

Revoluční sborník Devětsil [Devětsil Revolutionary Anthology]. Prague, 1922. Karel Teige and Jaroslav Seifert, eds. (Related to Život, see below). Holdings: 1922 (complete in one volume)

Stavba [Building]. Prague, 1922–1938]. Karel Teige (until 1928); Joseph Šima and Oldřich Starý. Holdings: 1931, 1932

Stavitel: mĕsičnik pro architekturu [Builder: Monthly Magazine for Architecture]. Prague, 1919–1938. [Zdeněk Rossmann or Jaroslav Kabeš], ed. Holdings: 1930

VS (Výtvarné snahy) [Art Endeavors]. Prague, 1926–1930. Karel Herain, Jaroslav Jindra, Ladislav Sutnar, Josef Vydra, eds. Holdings: 1929–1930

Žijeme: Obrázkový magazin dnesi dobi [We Live: Picture magazine of contemporary times]. Prague, 1931–1933. Jos. Cerman, A. Heythum, V. Kaplický, B. M. Klika, J. E. Koula, and O. Starý, eds. Organ of the Czechoslovak Werkbund. Holdings: 1931–1933  

Život [Life]. Prague, 1921–1948. (Second issue described as an “artistic supplement” to Revoluční sborník Devětsil, see above). Jaromír Krejcar, ed. Holdings: 1922 (appeared 1923)


Forsøgsscenen [The Experimental Stage]. Copenhagen, 1929–1931. Holger Kapel, Ebbe Neergaard, and Johan S. Rosing. eds. Holdings: 1929, 1930

Konkretion: Interskandinavisk tidsskrift for kunsten af i dag [Concretion: Inter-Scandinavian Journal of the Art of Today]. Copenhagen, Oslo, and Stockholm, 1935–1936. Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen, ed. Holdings: 1935, 1936 (complete in five issues; six numbers)

Plan: Socialistisk maanedsskrift for økonomi, politik og kultur [Socialist Monthly Magazine for Economics, Politics, and Culture]. Copenhagen, 1932–1935. Mondes Forlag (Ester Boserup, et. al), eds. Organ of the Danish Communist party. (Formerly Skandinavisk Monde, see below). Holdings: 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935

Skandinavisk Monde / Verden [Scandinavian World]. Copenhagen, 1928–1931. Harald Rue, ed. Mondes Forlag. (Becomes Frem [1932–1935] and Plan [1932–1935], see above). Holdings: 1929, 1930   

Social Kunst [Social Art]. Copenhagen 1931–1932. Mondes Forlag, Harald Rue, ed. 1931, 1932 (complete in nine issues)


The Chapbook (A Monthly Miscellany). London, 1919–1925. Harold Monro, ed. Holdings: 1923

The New Coterie. London (Holborn), 1925–1927. [Russell Green], ed. Holdings: 1925, 1926, 1927


391. Barcelona, New York, Paris, 1917–1924. Francis Picabia, ed. Holdings: 1920, 1924

L’art contemporain / Sztuka współczesna [Contemporary Art]. French and Polish. Paris, 1929–1930. Jan Brzękowski and Wanda Chodasiewicz-Grabowska (Nadia Léger), eds. Holdings: 1929

Le Coeur à Barbe: Journal Transparent [The Bearded Heart: Transparent Journal]. Paris, 1922. Paul Éluard, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, and Tristan Tzara, eds. Holdings: 1922 (complete in one issue)

Dada. Zurich and Paris, 1917–1921. Tristan Tzara, ed. Holdings: 1920

Manomètre. Lyon, 1922–1928. Émile Malespine, ed. Holdings: 1924

La Pomme de Pins [The Pine Cone]. Saint Raphaël, 1922. Francis Picabia, ed. Holdings: 1922 (complete in one issue)


A bis Z: Organ der Gruppe progressiver Künstler [A to Z: Organ of the Group of Progressive Artists]. Cologne, 1929–1933. Heinrich Hoerle, Walter Stern, Franz W. Seiwert, eds. Holdings: 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933

AIZ (Arbeiter-Illustrierte Zeitung) [Workers’ Illustrated Newspaper]. Berlin (1924–1933), Prague (1933–1936), and Paris (1938), 1924–1938. Willi Münzenberg, ed. Holdings: 1930, 1932, 1934, 1935

Die Aktion [The Action]. Berlin, 1911–1932. Franz Pfemfert, ed. Holdings: 1920

Bauhaus Zeitschrift [Bauhaus Magazine] (from 1928: für Bau und Gestaltung [for Building and Form-Giving]). Dessau, 1926–1931. Walter Gropius and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (1926-28), Hannes Meyer and Ernst Kallai 1928-29), Ludwig Hilberseimer, Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky (1931), eds. Holdings: 1927, 1928, 1929

Der Blutige Ernst: Satirische Wochenschrift [Deadly Serious: Satirical Weekly]. Berlin, 1919–1920. John Höxter, Carl Einstein, and George Grosz, eds. Holdings: 1919, 1920

Der Dada [The Dada]. Berlin, 1919–1920. Raoul Hausmann, George Grosz, and John Heartfield, eds. Holdings: 1919, 1920 (complete in three issues)

Dada Quatsch [Dada Bunk]. Berlin, 1919–1920. Alfred Sauermann, ed. Holdings: 1919

Die Form [The Form]. Berlin, 1922–1934. Organ of the Deutsche Werkbund. Walter Curt Behrendt (1926), Walter Riezler, eds. Holdings: 1926, 1927, 1929, 1930, 1933

Die freie Strasse [The Free Street]. Berlin, 1915–1918. Founded by Franz Jung, with rotating editors. Holdings: 1918

Harakiri [Suicide]. Berlin, 1920. Fried-Hardy (Eberhard Friedrich) Worm, ed. Holdings: 1920

Jedermann sein eigner Fussball [Everyman his own Football]. Berlin, 1919. Wieland Herzfelde, ed. Holdings: 1919 (complete in one issue)

Junge Menschen: Monatshefte für Politik, Kunst, Literatur und Leben [Young People: Monthly for Politics, Art, Literature, and Life]. Hamburg, 1919–1927. Walter Hammer, ed. Holdings: 1924

Der Knüppel: Satirische Zeitschrift [The Cudgel: Satirical Newspaper]. Berlin, 1923–1927. Heinrich Knipschild, Hermann Remmele, eds. Organ of the German Communist Party. Holdings: 1927

Der Kunstnarr [The Art Fool]. Magdeburg, 1929. Ernst Kállai, ed. Holdings: 1929 (complete in one issue)

Menschen [People]. Dresden, 1918-1921. Rotating (Walter Rheiner, Heinar Schilling, Walter Hasenclever, et. al.), eds. Holdings: 1918

Merz. Hannover, 1923–1932. Kurt Schwitters, ed. Holdings: 1924

Das Neue Frankfurt [The New Frankfurt]. Frankfurt, 1926–1933. Ernst May, ed. Holdings: 1928, 1929, 1930

Neue Jugend [New Youth]. Berlin, Berlin: Verlag Neue Jugend (1914–1916) and Der Malik Verlag (1917). Heinz Barger (1914–1916), Rudolf Börsch (1916), and Wieland Herzfelde (1917), eds. Holdings: 1917

Das neue Russland: Zeitschrift für Kultur, Wirtschaft und Literatur [The New Russia: Magazine for Culture, Economy, Literature]. Berlin, 1924–1932. Erich Baron, ed. Holdings: 1931  

Die Pleite [The Bankruptsky]. Berlin, 1919–1924. Wieland Herzfelde, George Grosz, John Heartfield, eds. Holdings: 1919, 1920, 1921

Rimon [Pomegranate]. Hebrew. Berlin, 1922–1924. M. Vishnitzer [Wischnitzer], Baruch Krupkin, and Rachel Vishnitzer [Wischnitzer], eds. Holdings: 1922, 1923, 1924

Der Sturm [The Storm]. Berlin, 1910–1932. Herwarth Walden, ed. Holdings: 1922, 1923, 1924

Veshch, Gegendstand, Objet. Russian, German, and French. Berlin, 1922. El Lissitzky and Ilya Ehrenburg, eds. 1922 (complete in two issues; three numbers)


De 8 en opbouw [8 and Construction]. Amsterdam and Rotterdam, 1932–1943. [Johannes Duiker], ed. Holdings: 1932, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1942

Architectura [Architecture]. Amsterdam, 1893–[date?]. J. Gratama, ed. Organ of the Society of Architecture and Friendship. Holdings: 1917  

Bouwkundig Weekbladen Architectura [Architectural Weekly]. Amsterdam, 1927–1941. H. Th. Wijdeveld, ed. Organ of the Society of Architecture and Friendship. Holdings: 1927

Filmliga. Amsterdam and Rotterdam, 1927–1935. L. J. Jordaan and H. Scholte, eds. Holdings: 1928, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1935  

De Gemeenschap [The Community]. Utrecht, 1925–1941. Jan Engelman, Hendrik (Henk) Kuitenbrouwer, Willem Maas, Lou Lichtveld, C. Vos, Anton van Duinkerken, Chr. de Graaff. Holdings: 1927, 1930, 1931

i10: Internationale Revue. Amsterdam, 1927–1929. Arthur Müller Lehning, with J. J. P. Oud (architecture), Wollem Pijper (music), and László Moholy-Nagy (film and photography). Holdings: 1927

Mécano. Leiden, 1922–1923. I. K. Bonset (pseudonym for Theo van Doesburg), ed. Holdings: 1922, 1923

The Next Call. Groningen, 1923–1926. Hendrik N. Werkman, ed. Holdings: 1924, 1926

Wendingen [Upheaval (or Turnings)]. Amsterdam, 1918–1931. H. Th. Wijdeveld, H. C. Verkruysen, M. de Klerk, J. L. M. Lauweriks, eds. Organ of the Society of Architecture and Friendship. Holdings: 1921, 1925, 1929, 1930 


365: Röpirat, művészeti dokumentum [365: Leaflet, Art Document]. Budapest, 1924–1925. Aladár Tamás, ed. Holdings: 1924

Ma: Aktivista folyóirat [Today: Activist Journal]. Budapest (1916–1919) and Vienna (1920–1925). Lajos Kassák and Béla Uitz, eds. Holdings: 1919, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924

Munka [Labor (or Work)]. Budapest, 1928–1939. Lajos Kassák, ed. Holdings: 1928, 1929, 1930


La Città Nuova: Quindicinale di Architettura [The New City: Architecture Bi-Monthly]. Turin, 1932–1934. Fillia (pseudonym for Luigi Colombo), ed. Holdings: 1932

Dinamo Futurista [Futurist Dynamo]. Rovereto, 1933. Fortunato Depero, ed. (under the patronage of F. T. Marinetti). Holdings: 1933  

Futurismo: Settimanale dell’artecrazia italiana [Futurism: Weekly for the Italian Artecracy (neologism combining “arte” and “artistocrazia”)]. Rome, 1932–1933. Mino Somenzi [and “primary collaborator” F. T. Marinetti], ed. Holdings: 1932, 1933

L’Italia furturista [Futurist Italy]. Florence, 1916–1918. Bruno Corra, Arnaldo Ginna, and Emilio Settimelli, eds. Holdings: 1916

Lacerba. Florence, 1913–1915; Giovanni Papini and Ardengo Soffici, eds. Holdings: 1913, 1914

Marinetti: "animatore d'italianità" [Marinetti: Animator of Italianness]. Milan, 1924. Mino Somenzi, ed. Holdings: 1924 (complete in one issue)

Parole in Libertà [Words in Freedom] (Preview to the forthcoming journal I Paroliberi Futuristi). Milan, 1915. F.T. Marinetti, ed. Holdings: 1915

“Noi”: Rivista d’arte futurista [“We”: Magazine of Futurist Art]. Rome, 1917–1925 (second series begins April 1923). Enrico Prampolini, eds. Holdings: 1923

Secolo XX [20th Century]. [Milan, 1902–1933]. Enrico Cavacchioli, ed. Holdings: 1929


Domas: Dailliteratūras, mākslas un zinātnesmēnesraksts [Thoughts: A Monthly Journal of Literature, Art, and Science]. Latvian. Riga, 1924–1934. Hermanis Roberts, ed. Holdings: 1931, 1932


a.r. (artyści rewolucyjni [revolutionary artists] or awangarda rzeczywista [real avant-garde]). Łódź, 1930–1932; edited by Wladyslaw Strzemiński. Holdings: 1932

Albatros [Albatross]. Warsaw and Berlin, 1922–1923. Uri Cwi (Zwi) Grinberg (Grünberg), ed. 1922, 1923 (complete in three issues)

Architekt [Architect]. Cracow, [years?]. Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz, ed. Holdings: 1926   

Blok [Block]. Warsaw, 1924–1926. Teresa Żarnower and Mieczysław Szczuka (with the collaboration of Henryk Stażewski and Edmund Miller on nos. 1–4). Holdings: 1924, 1926

Dźwignia [Lever], Warsaw, 1926–1928. Mieczysław Szczuka (nos. 1–4), Teresa Żarnower (no. 5), Witold Wandurski (nos. 6–8), eds. Holdings: 1928

Europa Miesiecznik [Europe Monthly]. Warsaw, 1929–1930.  Stanisław Baczyński, ed. Holdings: 1930

Formiści [The Formists]. Cracow, 1919–1921. Tytus Czyżewski and Konrad Winkler, eds. Holdings: 1921

Linja: czasopismo awangardy literackiej [Line: Journal of the Literary Avant-Garde]. Cracow, 1931–1933. Jalu Kurek, ed. Holdings: 1931, 1932, 1933  

Miesiecznik Literacki [Literary Monthly]. Warsaw, 1929–1931. Alexander Wat, ed. Holdings: 1929, 1930  

Nowa Kultura [New Culture]. Warsaw, 1923–1924. Edward Staniecki, ed. Holdings: 1924

Nowa Sztuka [New Art]. Warsaw, 1921–1922. Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz  and Anatol Stern, eds. Holdings: 1921, 1922  (complete in two issues)

Praesens [Present (in Latin)]. Warsaw, 1926–1930. Seymon Syrkus, Henryk Stażewski, and Helena Niemirowska, eds. Holdings: 1926, 1930

Zdrój [Source]. Poznán, 1917–1922. Jerzy Hulewicz, ed. Holdings: 1918, 1920  

Zwrotnica [Railway Switch]. Cracow, 1922–1923; 1926–1927. Tadeusz Peiper, ed. Holdings: 1922, 1923, 1926


Zenit [Zenith]. Zagreb (1921–1923), Belgrade (1924–1926). Ljubomir Micić (Lioubomir Mitzich), ed. Holdings: 1925